Appendix K: Framework of Skills
Subject | Stage | Further Info about Stage | Outcome Number | Outcome | Content or other syllabus requirement |
English | Stage 4 | | 1 | A student responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure | 1.16 Students learn about: conventions associated with generic definitions of literary, film, television and other multimedia, information, everyday and workplace texts |
English | Stage 4 | | 1 | A student responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis and pleasure | 1.8 Students learn to: graphically represent aspects of texts such as the storyline of a novel or film, the structure of a poem, the set of a play, and links in a webpage |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.1 Students learn to: use the features of information and communication technologies to compose a range of imaginative, critical and factual texts for television, the internet, radio, email and text messaging |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.10 Students learn about: technologies, software and their functions appropriate for particular tasks in English |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.11 Students learn about: etiquette and ethical behaviour associated with email and internet use |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.3 Students learn to: use the features of information and communication technologies, including word processing, importing and manipulating of graphics, and formatting to compose a variety of texts for different purposes and audiences |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.4 Students learn to: respond to interactive and simulation texts in print form and on computer to plan, design and investigate a situation |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.5 Students learn to: use the tools of word processing (including find and replace, word counts, insert page numbers and page breaks, spellcheck and thesaurus functions) for composing. |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.6 Students learn about: the ways different modes work together to shape meaning in multimedia texts such as film, CD-ROM, websites and television |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.7 Students learn about: technical features of audio and visual recording, word processing, graphics and formatting used for composing texts |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.8 Students learn about: terminology associated with responding to and composing information and communication technology (ICT) texts |
English | Stage 4 | | 3 | A student responds to and composes texts in different technologies | 3.9 Students learn about: the forms, features and structures of interactive and simulation texts, multimedia texts and websites, including layout and design, and the nature and capacity for interaction |
English | Stage 4 | | 4 | A student uses and describes language forms and features, and structures of texts appropriate to different purposes, audiences and contexts | 4.11 Students learn about: the interaction of different language modes and different media to create meaning in multimodal texts |
English | Stage 4 | | 6 | A student draws on experience, information and ideas to imaginatively and interpretively respond to and compose texts | 6.2 Students learn to: compose a range of imaginative texts including narrative, poetry, instructions, scripts, advertisements and websites |
English | Stage 4 | | 6 | A student draws on experience, information and ideas to imaginatively and interpretively respond to and compose texts | 6.8 Students learn about: the ways ‘the real world’ is represented in the imaginary worlds of texts including literature, film, media and multimedia texts |
English | Stage 4 | | 11 | A student uses, reflects on and assesses individual and collaborative skills for learning | 11.14 Students learn about: research techniques using books, indexes and the internet |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.1 Students learn to: respond to and compose increasingly complex texts in different technologies considering the effects of the technology including layout and design on meaning |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.2 Students learn to: identify and critically evaluate the ways information, ideas and issues are shaped by and presented through technology |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.3 Students learn to: use advanced word processing tools including formatting of references and bibliographies, formatting multiple page documents including weblinks, importing data from internet and manipulating images to compose and format texts for different purposes, audiences and contexts, including the workplace |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.4 Students learn to: evaluate the impact on contemporary society of multimedia texts and information and communication technologies and speculate on future developments |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.5 Students learn about: different techniques used to compose multimedia texts |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.6 Students learn about: the ways in which modern technologies of communication are used to inform, persuade and entertain |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.7 Students learn about: the ways in which modern technologies of communication are used to shape, adapt and re-present past and present cultures, including popular culture and youth cultures, for particular audiences |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.8 Students learn about: advanced tools and uses of information and communication technologies including references, bibliographies, formatting multiple page documents, weblinks, importing data from the internet and manipulating images |
English | Stage 5 | | 3 | A student selects, uses, describes and explains how different technologies affect and shape meaning | 3.9 Students learn about: the nature, scope and ethical use of information and communication technologies in contemporary society |
English | Stage 5 | | 8 | A student investigates the relationships between and among texts | 8.11 Students learn about: the patterns of texts composed in different modes, media and multimedia |
English | Stage 5 | | 10 | A student questions, challenges and evaluates cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning | 10.8 Students learn about: the effects of personal, social, historical and technological perspectives on language and communication |
English | Stage 5 | | 11 | A student uses, reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills for learning with increasing independence and effectiveness | 11.4 Students learn to: choose learning processes, resources and technologies appropriate for particular tasks and situations |
Languages | Stage 4 - Modern and Classical Languages | | 4.MBC.2 | A student demonstrates knowledge of key features of the culture of [LANGUAGE] speaking communities/anciant worlds | Students learn about - collecting and interpreting electronic information, with consideration of its ethical use, in order to identify and reflect on representations of culture |
Languages | Stage 4 - Modern and Classical Languages | | 4.MBC.2 | A student demonstrates knowledge of key features of the culture of [LANGUAGE] speaking communities/anciant worlds | Students learn to - research and present information on [LANGUAGE]- speaking communities using a range of information and communication technologies, including CD-ROMs and the internet |
Languages | Stage 4 - Modern Languages only | | 4.UL.3 | A student establishes and maintains communication in familiar situations | Students learn about - the use of information and communication technologies for communicative purposes |
Languages | Stage 4 - Modern Languages only | | 4.UL.4 | A student applies a range of linguistic structures to express own ideas in writing | Students learn about - the use of information and communication technologies for communicative purposes |
Languages | Stage 4 - Modern Languages only | | 4.UL.3 | A student establishes and maintains communication in familiar situations | Students learn to - produce original text using information and communication technologies |
Languages | Stage 4 - Modern Languages only | | 4.UL.4 | A student applies a range of linguistic structures to express own ideas in writing | Students learn to - produce original text using information and communication technologies |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.1 | A student identifies and gathers geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to develop and refine search techniques using the internet (suggested for 4G1) |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.2 | A student organises and interprets geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to collect and interpret electronic information (suggested for 4G2) |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.3 | A student uses a range of written , oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to create a desktop published document for a specific audience (suggested for 4G1) |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.3 | A student uses a range of written , oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to design and create a multimedia presentation (suggested for 4G2) |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.3 | A student uses a range of written , oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to practise ethical behaviour when using email and the internet (suggested for 4G3) |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.3 | A student uses a range of written , oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to use email for a specific geographical purpose (suggested for 4G3) |
Geography | Stage 4 | | 4.3 | A student uses a range of written , oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 4 requires students to use a range of digital images, maps, sound and other appropriate multimedia sources to develop a multimedia presentation or web page (suggested for 4G4) |
Geography | Stage 5 | | 5.1 | A student identifies, gathers and evaluates geographical information | Stage 5 requires students to import data from other ICT applications into student research findings (suggested for 5A2) |
Geography | Stage 5 | | 5.2 | A student analyses, organises and synthesises geographical information | Stage 5 requires students to design and create a simple database from student research (suggested for 5A2) |
Geography | Stage 5 | | 5.2 | A student analyses, organises and synthesises geographical information | Stage 5 requires students to access, collect and interpret electronic information (suggested for 5A4) |
Geography | Stage 5 | | 5.2 | A student analyses, organises and synthesises geographical information | Stage 5 requires students to critically analyse a website, including the ethics of the site (suggested for 5A4) |
Geography | Stage 5 | | 5.3 | A student selects and uses appropriate written, oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 5 requires students to create a formatted, multiple paged document containing web links to communicate geographical information (suggested for 5A1) |
Geography | Stage 5 | | 5.3 | A student selects and uses appropriate written, oral, and graphic forms to communicate geographical information | Stage 5 requires students to design and create a multimedia presentation or web page to communicate geographical information to a particular audience, including maps and diagrams as appropriate (suggested for 5A3) |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.8 and 4.10 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant information from A number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research. A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past | In Stage 4 Mandatory, students will:demonstrate their skills in evaluating the usefulness of a website as an historical resource; build on already developed generic research skillsof accessing, collecting, retrieving and interpreting electronic information to the stage where they can use an image bank as a resource for historical research; demonstrate their ability to design and create a desktop-published document to communicate their understanding of history; practise ethical behaviour when using the internet |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research | Topic 4. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: communicate effectively in an historical inquiry using appropriate ICT |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research | Topic 2. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: use an image bank to gather relevant images for an historical inquiry |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research | Topic 2. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: locate, select and organise information from a range of sources, including a website |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research | Topic 4. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: locate, select and organise information, including computer-based sources |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past | Topic 1. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: draw conclusions about the usefulness of sources for an historian, including a website |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past | Topic 2. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: communicate effectively about the past through a desktop published document |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past | Topic 3. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: choose appropriate software relevant for historical research |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past | Topic 3. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: practise ethical behaviour when using the internet during an historical inquiry |
History | Stage 4 | | 4.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past | Topic 3 identify origin, purpose and context of historical sources, including ICT sources |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.8 and 5.10 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry. A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences | In Stage 5 History Mandatory, students will:continue to develop their skills in critically analysing a website and a range of historical texts including consideration of layout and design features; continue to develop skills in the collection and interpretation of electronic information for the purpose of historical enquiry; demonstrate their ability to create a formatted, multiple-paged document and to produce documents for particular audiences; practise ethical behaviour when using email or the internet; demonstrate their ability to select suitable hardware/software for a particular purpose. |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry | Topic 1. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: comprehend and use historical sources, including a website locate, select and organise historical information from a variety of sources, including ICT |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry | Topic 6. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: locate, select and organise historical information from relevant websites for the purpose of an historical investigation |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences | Topic 2. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: identify, comprehend and use historical sources, including a database/website, as part of an historical enquiry |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.1O | A student selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences | Topic 6. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: select appropriate computer-based applications, eg Publisher, PowerPoint, to communicate the results of an historical inquiry |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.1O | A student locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry | Topic 7. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: use knowledge, understandings and relevant evidence to create an appropriate historical text, using ICT |
History | Stage 5 | | 5.8 | A student locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry | Topic 7. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: use knowledge, understandings and relevant evidence to create an appropriate historical text, using ICT |
History | Stage 5 | | | | Topic 4. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: create a formatted, multi-paged document as part of an historical inquiry |
History | Stage 5 | | | | Topic 5. ICT skills appropriate for this topic may include: select suitable software to present a research task using ICT. |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | DS4.1 | A student constructs, reads and interprets graphs, tables, charts and statistical information | Students learn to interpret data displayed in a spreadsheet |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | DS4.2 | A student collects statistical data using either a census or a sample, and analyses data using measures of location and range | Students learn about using spreadsheets to tabulate and graph data |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | DS4.2 | A student collects statistical data using either a census or a sample, and analyses data using measures of location and range | Students learn to use spreadsheets, databases, statistics packages, or other technology, to analyse collected data, present graphical displays, and discuss ethical issues that may arise from the data |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | PAS4.3 | A student uses the algebraic symbol system to simplify, expand and factorise simple algebraic expressions | Students learn to interpret statements involving algebraic symbols in other contexts eg creating and formatting spreadsheets |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | PAS4.5 | A student graphs and interprets linear relationships on the number plane | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to graph and compare a range of linear relationships |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | SGS4.2 | A student identifies and names angles formed by the intersection of straight lines, including those related to transversals on sets of parallel lines, and makes use of the relationships between them | Students learn to use dynamic geometry software to investigate angle relationships |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | SGS4.3 | A student classifies, constructs, and determines the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals | Students learn to use dynamic geometry software to investigate the properties of geometrical figures |
Mathematics | Stage 4 | | SGS4.4 | A student identifies congruent and similar two-dimensional figures stating the relevant conditions | Students learn to use dynamic geometry software to investigate the properties of geometrical figures |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | DS5.1.1 | A student groups data to aid analysis and constructs frequency and cumulative frequency tables and graphs | Students learn to use spreadsheets, databases, statistics packages, or other technology, to analyse collected data, present graphical displays, and discuss ethical issues that may arise from the data |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | DS5.2.1 | A student uses the interquartile range and standard deviation to analyse data | Students learn to use spreadsheets, databases, statistics packages, or other technology, to analyse collected data, present graphical displays, and discuss ethical issues that may arise from the data |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | NS5.1.2 | A student solves consumer arithmetic problems involving earning and spending money | Students learn to compare employment conditions for different careers where information is gathered from a variety of mediums including the Internet eg employment rates, payment |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | NS5.1.2 | A student solves consumer arithmetic problems involving earning and spending money | Students learn to interpret spreadsheets or tables when comparing simple interest and compound interest on an investment over various time periods |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.1.2 | A student determines the midpoint, length and gradient of an interval joining two points on the number plane and graphs linear and simple non-linear relationships from equations | Students learn to apply ethical considerations when using hardware and software |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.3 | A student uses formulae to find midpoint, distance and gradient and applies the gradient/intercept form to interpret and graph straight lines | Students learn to apply ethical considerations when using hardware and software |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.1.2 | A student determines the midpoint, length and gradient of an interval joining two points on the number plane and graphs linear and simple non-linear relationships from equations | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to graph, compare and describe a range of linear and simple non-linear relationships |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.4 | A student draws and interprets graphs including simple parabolas and hyperbolas | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to graph, compare and describe a range of linear and simple non-linear relationships |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.2 | A student solves linear and simple quadratic equations, solves linear inequalities and solves simultaneous equations using graphical and analytical methods | Students learn to write formulae for spreadsheets |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.2 | A student solves linear and simple quadratic equations, solves linear inequalities and solves simultaneous equations using graphical and analytical methods | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to plot pairs of lines and read off the point of intersection |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.3 | A student uses formulae to find midpoint, distance and gradient and applies the gradient/intercept form to interpret and graph straight lines | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to graph a variety of equations of straight lines, and compare and describe the similarities and differences between the lines |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.5 | A student draws and interprets graphs of physical phenomena | Students learn to use spreadsheets to generate examples of everyday graphs |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.2.5 | A student draws and interprets graphs of physical phenomena | Students learn to use technology such as data loggers to collect data for constant speeds and graph the data to compare and contrast graphs |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.3.5 | A student analyses and describes graphs of physical phenomena | Students learn to use technology such as data loggers to collect data for constant speeds and graph the data to compare and contrast graphs |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.3.3 | A student uses various standard forms of the equation of a straight line and graphs regions on the number plane | Students learn to apply ethical considerations when using hardware and software |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.3.3 | A student uses various standard forms of the equation of a straight line and graphs regions on the number plane | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to graph , compare and describe a range of linear relationships |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.3.4 | A student draws and interprets a variety of graphs including parabolas, cubic, exponentials and circles and applies coordinate geometry techniques to solve problems | Students learn to draw and compare graphs using a graphics calculator and/ or a computer graphing package |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.3.6 | A student uses a variety of techniques to sketch a range of curves and describes the features of curves from the equation | Students learn to use a graphics calculator and spreadsheet software to graph, compare and describe a range of polynomials |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | PAS5.3.7 | A student recognises, describes and sketches polynomials, and applies the factor and remainder theorems to solve problems | Students learn to use a graphics calculator or software package to sketch polynomials of odd and even degree and investigate the relationship between the number of zeros and the degree of the polynomial |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | SGS5.2.2 | A student develops and applies results for proving that triangles are congruent or similar | Students learn to use dynamic software to investigate the properties of geometrical figures |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | SGS5.3.1 | A student constructs arguments to prove geometrical results | Students learn to use dynamic geometry software to investigate and test conjectures about geometrical figures |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | SGS5.3.2 | A student determines properties of triangles and quadrilaterals using deductive reasoning | Students learn to use dynamic geometry software to investigate and test conjectures about geometrical figures |
Mathematics | Stage 5 | | SGS5.3.3 | A student constructs geometrical arguments using similarity tests for triangles | Students learn to use dynamic geometry software to investigate and test conjectures about geometrical figures |
Music | Stage 4 | | 4.6 | A student experiments with different forms of technology in the composition process | Students learn to - explore forms of musical notation, including computer-based applications, as a method of recording their own musical ideas |
PDHPE | Stage 4 | | 4.8 | A student describes how to access and assess health information, products and services | Students learn to analyse electronic and print sources of health information and describe specific cues that indicate their reliability and accuracy |
PDHPE | Stage 5 | | 5.5 | A student composes, performs and appraises movement in a variety of challenging contexts | Students learn to enter performance data into a prepared spreadsheet template, format and analyse with consideration of ethical issues, eg use, interpretation and publication of data |
PDHPE | Stage 5 | | 5.6 | A student analyses attitudes, behaviours and consequences related to health issues affecting young people | Students learn to use simulation software to make health decisions and solve problems relevant to young people, eg determining strategies that promote safe road use |
PDHPE | Stage 5 | | 5.7 | A student analyses influences on health decision-making and develops strategies to promote health and safe behaviours | Students learn to identify a key issue for individual or group action. Raise awareness and gather support for the issue using ICT skills including a mailmerge |
PDHPE | Stage 5 | | 5.9 | A student formulates goals and applies strategies to enhance participation in lifelong physical activity | Students learn to use the internet and other resources to locate information about opportunities for physical activity in the local area |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 4.15 | A student uses given criteria to gather first-hand data | Students learn to - 4/5.15 b) use independently a range of data collection strategies and technologies such as data loggers |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 5.15 | A student gathers first-hand data accurately | Students learn to - 4/5.15 b) use independently a range of data collection strategies and technologies such as data loggers |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 4.16 | A student accesses information from identified secondary sources | Students learn to - 4/5.16 a) use a range of sources, including databases, CD-ROMs and the internet, to access information |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 5.16 | A student accesses information from a wide variety of secondary sources | Students learn to - 4/5.16 a) use a range of sources, including databases, CD-ROMs and the internet, to access information |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 4.17 | A student evaluates the relevance of data and information | Students learn to - 4/5.17 d) organise data using a variety of methods including diagrams, tables, spreadsheets and databases |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 5.17 | A student explains trends, patterns and relationships in data and/or information from a variety of sources | Students learn to - 4/5.17 d) organise data using a variety of methods including diagrams, tables, spreadsheets and databases |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 4.17 | A student evaluates the relevance of data and information | Students learn to - 4/5.17 g) apply mathematical concepts and computer based technologies to assist analysis of data and information |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 5.17 | A student explains trends, patterns and relationships in data and/or information from a variety of sources | Students learn to - 4/5.17 g) apply mathematical concepts and computer based technologies to assist analysis of data and information |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 4.18 | A student with guidance, presents information to an audience to achieve a particular purpose | Students learn to - 4/5.18 e) use drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables, databases, spreadsheets and flow charts to show relationships and present information clearly and/or succinctly |
Science | Stages 4 & 5 | | 5.18 | A student selects and uses appropriate forms of communication to present information to an audience | Students learn to - 4/5.18 e) use drawings, diagrams, graphs, tables, databases, spreadsheets and flow charts to show relationships and present information clearly and/or succinctly |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.1 | A student generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions | Students learn about communication methods including digital presentations |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.1 | A student generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions | Students learn about using ICTs to plan, develop and document design projects |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.1 | A student generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions | Students learn to compose a design folio for a specific audience in electronic format including features such as tabs, indents, headers and footers, margins and line and paragraph spacing and using appropriate layout and graphic design |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.1 | generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions | Students learn to manipulate images with tools such as editing, resizing, grouping, aligning and positioning |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.1 | A student generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions | Students learn to use ICTs to communicate information including saving a document in various file types and storage locations from within the application |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.1 | A student generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions | Students learn to use word processing features including page numbering and page breaks, find and replace, word count, spell check and thesaurus, columns and sections, inserting text/ objects/ images |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.2 | A student selects, analyses, presents and applies research and experimentation from a variety of sources | Students learn about research methods - searching techniques including use of the Internet |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.2.2 | A student selects, analyses, presents and applies research and experimentation from a variety of sources | Students learn to use the internet when researching |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.3.2 | A student demonstrates responsible and safe use of a range of tools, materials and techniques in each design project | Students learn to maintain tools and equipment including computer equipment |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.4.1 | A student explains the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on society and the environment | Students learn to explain the impact of innovations and emerging technologies on society and the environment including new ICTs |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | | 4.6.2 | identifies and explains ethical, social, environmental and sustainability considerations related to design projects | Students learn to demonstrate appropriate ethics and etiquette in relation to computer use such as general computer care, passwords, file security, network use, printing and shared resources |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Control technologies Students learn about: component categories for hardware, including input devices, processors and output devices |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Control technologies Students learn about: data types, formats and information as inputs of design and production |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Control technologies Students learn about: robots and other mechatronic devices, sensors, actuators such as motors, switches, lights programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and associated hardware |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Control technologies Students learn to: recognise, connect and use input and output devices to construct systems including sensors, switches, wiring, lights and motors for a design project |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Control technologies Students learn to: select and use appropriate program development techniques and structures for an identified need |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Graphics Technologies Students learn to: use computer aided drawing (CAD) in the development of the design project |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn about: range, suitability and use of data types including hypertext |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn about: software including presentation, draw and paint, word processing, databases and spreadsheets |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn about: the function, selection and correct use of a range input and output tools including - printer - scanner - storage devices |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn about: the internet as a source of information |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn to: select and use software for specific purposes in a design project |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn to: select and correctly use the appropriate tools of information technology for a design project |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Information Technologies Students learn to: select and use appropriate data types for particular purposes select and justify the use of correct file formats in a design project |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn about: collecting information from primary and secondary sources including digitising sound, text, graphics |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn about: processing techniques for combining and manipulating such as special effects, cropping, tweening, morphing |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn about: range, suitability and use of data types in a range of media such as video, animation, audio |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn about: software including desktop publishing, presentation, video editing, draw and paint, word processing, web design |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn about: the function and correct use of a range of input and output tools used for - capturing images such as digital cameras, videos, scanners - storing - printing |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn about: the internet as a source of information |
Technology (Mandatory) | Stage 4 | For Outcome 4.3.1 Content from 6 out of the 14 possible technologies must be addressed | 4.3.1 | A student applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects | Media Technologies Students learn to: select and use techniques appropriate for the purposes of a design project |
Visual Arts | Stage 4 | | 4.1 | A student uses a range of strategies to explore different artmaking conventions and procedures to make artworks | 2D/ 4D forms graphics-based programs to create and manipulate digitally generated images (including scanned images, digital camera, internet images, CD), video stills, animations and web page designs |
Visual Arts | Stage 4 | | 4.1 | A student uses a range of strategies to explore different artmaking conventions and procedures to make artworks | 2D/ 4D forms importing images (through scanning, internet, digital camera and CD) into graphics and word-processed documents |
Visual Arts | Stage 4 | | 4.6 | A student selects different materials and techniques to make artworks | 2D forms: graphics including computer generated and enhanced |
Visual Arts | Stage 4 | | 4.6 | A student selects different materials and techniques to make artworks | 2D forms: photo and digital media including wet photography and digital media (still) |
Visual Arts | Stage 4 | | 4.6 | A student selects different materials and techniques to make artworks | 4D forms digital animation |