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Annex III -IV

Annex III : Process Note -  Achievement Oriented: Identifies and accomplishes challenging objectives or personal goals.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Establishes challenging short-and long-term goals.
�     Tell me about the accomplishment you are most proud of and why.

�     Takes initiative, persists at tasks and pursues completion of objectives.

�     Takes reasonable risks.

�     Overcomes obstacles and resistance to change.
�     What risks were you willing to take to achieve goals you set for yourself?

�     Describe your future goals and the steps you plan on taking to reach these goals.

�     Engages in healthy competition.

�     Explain a project you undertook o your own initiative that made a major impact on your department.

Table 4.6: Analytical Ability - Reviews & analyzes a wide variety of information and recommends a specific course of action.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Grasps new concepts, approaches and systems.

�     Examines & interprets a wide variety of data/information and makes recommendations or decisions.

�     Tell me about a time you were asked to evaluate a situation and recommend a new approach. What factors did you take into consideration when analyzing the data?

�     Defines parameters of task and desired objectives.

�     Develops results-oriented conclusions.
�     Give me an example of a potential work problem that you anticipated and resolved.  What are some of the measures you took to prevent the situation from becoming a problem in the future?

�     Anticipates problems, opportunities and needs of the organization and the constituent.

�     How do you stay attuned to new trends in your area of expertise?

�     Organizes ideas and information in unique ways.

Table 4.7: Communication Skill (Oral & Written) Takes the initiative to communicate accurate, up-to-date plans and information to peers. The ability to Expresses thoughts clearly by means of suitable actions (both verbally and in writing). Listens and understands the views of others.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Writes in a concise and organized manner.

�     Writes results clearly & grammatically.

�     Appears knowledgeable & confident in communicating information.

�     When communicating with others, do you generally write them a memo, call them, or talk to them in person?

�     Tell me about a time when someone returned one of your reports or memos because they didn’t understand it. What did you do?

�     Shares information with others to help them perform their jobs & seeks information from others.

�     Is sensitive to the communication levels required by different audiences.
�     What courses have you taken in communication, business writing, effective speaking, etc.?

�     Describe a time when your ability to listen helped you communicate better.

�     Listens actively & speaks clearly and directly.

�     Conducts effective meetings.

�     This job requires you to spend a large amount of time writing. How would your supervisor describe your writing skills?

Table 4.8: Creativity Develops new ideas and unique and novel solutions to problems.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Challenges current procedures to develop other alternatives.
�     Give me an example of a unique and novel solution you had for a recent problem you encountered in your work.

�     Seeks ways to improve all aspects of the job.

�     Tell me about a time when you were creative and explored new ways of thinking.

�     Brainstorms to develop suggestions and new ideas.

�     Develops several approaches or solutions to a problem.
�     Describe a time when you broke away from the regimented way of thinking and developed a creative solution.

Table 4.9: Decision-Making Skills - Makes decisions while exhibiting judgment and a realistic understanding of issues; ability to use reason, even when dealing with emotional topics.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Identifies purpose and objectives.
�     What technique do you use in making decisions?

�     Gathers and analyzes data and develops rationale for decision.

�     As appropriate, involves subordinates and others in making decisions.

�     Describe, in detail, a situation in which you used your training and experience in making a decision that required sound judgment.

�     Considers alternatives and assesses their impact and potential problems.

�     Implements decision and evaluates results.
�     What is the most difficult business decision you have had to make?

�     Tell me about a time when you involved others in the decision-making process.

�     In you prior job, what decision did you ponder the longest before making? Why was it difficult?

Table 4.10: Diversity Orientation Recognizes and values the benefits in the diversity of people, ideas and cultures.  Encourages differences as a way to enhance group productivity.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Treats each person in the department as an individual with individual needs and issues.
�     How do you value the differences that employees bring to the job?

�     Maintains and enhances the self-esteem of others.

�     Understands and responds to others’ needs and priorities.

�     Values differences among team members.

�     What benefits have you seen in the changing demographics in your work environment?

�     How have you adapted your behavior to the changing workforce?

�     Promotes equal treatment while refusing to tolerate workforce bias or racism.

�     Gives equal time to all staff within department.
�     Give me an example of how you manage the members of your staff differently but equitably.

Table 4.11: Flexibility - Recognizes and responds to unanticipated events and requirements. Willing to do what is necessary to get the desired results.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Copes successfully with unexpected events.

�     Handles several projects simultaneously.
�     Describe a time in your current job when you boss assigned you a rush project even though you had other important priorities at the time. How did you feel and what was your response?

�     Adapts own behavioral and communication style to gain cooperation of managers, co-workers, peers, customers or suppliers.

�     Adapts well to, and supports, change.

�     Brings simplicity and order out of complexity and chaos.

�     Explain a situation where you adapted your behavior and communication style to gain cooperation on a team project.

�     Tell me about a time when you were able to adapt to a difficult-to-deal-with employee.

4.12: Initiative - Actively seeks opportunities to make a contribution rather than passively accepting situations. Takes action to achieve goals beyond what is necessarily called for; originates action.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Actively seeks solutions to problems before being asked or directed.
�     Tell me about a project you generated on your own & what prompted you to initiate it.

�     Questions the way a process is done and suggests changes.

�     Give me an example of how you made a change in a work-related procedure or process, why you made the change & the results.

�     Initiates self-development efforts.
�     Tell me about some new ideas and suggestions you have made to your supervisor in your current job. Which were accepted and why.

�     Seeks additional job responsibilities to assume.

�     What do you do differently than other employees in your current job?
�     Looks for new ways to contribute to the business.
�     What have you done to add value in your department?

4.13: Interpersonal Skills -  Establishes productive, cooperative relationships with subordinates, peers and management. Understands and responds to others needs and priorities. Resolves conflict in positive ways.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Resolves conflict in positive ways.

�     Gives and seeks feedback that will increase the productivity of relationships.
�     Give me an example of a time when you encountered conflict with another department. Tell me how you resolved it.

�     Deals with the diverse behavior of others in groups in order to increase the group’s productivity.
�     Describe a difficult employee relations issue you were involved with and how you managed it.

�     Maintains and enhances the self-esteem of others.
�     Tell me about a situation where you had to demonstrate empathy or sympathy to someone.

�     Recognizes strengths and limitations of self and others.
�     Explain a time when you were sensitive to the diversity of a team or group you were working with and how you affected the productivity of that group.

4.14: Job Motivation - Maintains a high level of interest and enthusiasm for job responsibilities. Has demonstrated record of being a self-starter and self-motivated.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Takes pride and derives satisfaction in one’s job.
�     Give me an example of when you felt the greatest sense of achievement.

�     Assumes ownership for getting the job done.

�     Enthusiastic about taking on challenging projects.
�     All jobs have their frustrations & problems. Describe an example of specific job conditions, tasks or assignments that have been dissatisfying to you. What did you do?

�     Goal oriented; concerned with achievement & doing better.
�     What gave you the greatest feeling of achievement in your job at _________________?

�     Makes plans and follows through.

�     What makes a job interesting to you?

�     What turns off your motivation in a job?

4.15: Judgment - Weighs alternative courses of action and makes decisions that reflect factual information and are based on rational and logical assumptions that take organizational resources into consideration.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Makes sound decisions by considering alternatives.

�     Describe a decision you recently made and identify the process that led you to that decision. What were some of the sources you used to reach that decision? What were some of the issues you took into consideration?

�     Considers impact in other areas of the organization.

�     Give me an example of a good decision you made in the last six months. What were the alternatives?   Why was it a good decision?

�     Weighs alternatives and selects practical solutions.
�     What was the toughest decision you had to make in your current job? Tell me about it.

�     Reviews decision to see if it satisfies long-range plans.
�     Give me an example of a time when you had to ask your manager for assistance on a project or situation.

4.16: Leadership - Uses appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to guide individuals or groups toward achieving results.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Develops and communicates a vision of challenging goals, growth and progress.

�     Motivates others to work together toward common objectives.
�     Describe a situation in which you had to gain cooperation of others outside of your organization where you had no direct authority. What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?

�     Successfully gains cooperation in situations where the person has no direct authority.
�     Have you ever developed a mission statement for your department?  How did you go about it?

�     Works effectively in cross-functional groups.
�     Describe the role you usually take in a task team situation.

�     Takes on a leadership role in school, work and/or community.

4.17: Management Skills - Motivates, trains, and develops a diverse workforce and provides an environment conducive to achievement and growth.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Delegates effectively and acknowledges accomplishments.

�     Responds positively to innovative ideas and suggestions from subordinates.

�     How would your staff describe you as a manager? What would they say are your strengths? Opportunities for improvement?

�     How would you describe yourself as a manager?

�     Resolves personnel problems quickly and effectively.

�     Communicates plans and information to staff in a timely & thorough manner.

�     Promotes teamwork and cooperation within the department.

�     Meets budget responsibilities.

�     Provides constructive, ongoing feedback.

�     Balances concerns for results, deadlines, tasks, and people.

�     Describe a personnel problem you had recently. How did you handle it and what was the outcome?

�     How do you communicate organizational changes and other relevant information to your staff?

�     What methods do you use to accomplish the projects that add value to your department?

�     Give me an example of a performance issue in your department and how you managed it.

4.18: Persuasiveness - Utilizes appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to gain agreement or acceptance of an idea, plan, activity or product.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Gains approval of a plan or idea by focusing on the benefits of the proposal to the audience.
�     When convincing others of your ideas, what skills or personal abilities do you use?

�     Persuades people from various levels, positions or backgrounds by using a variety of interpersonal techniques and approaches.

�     Improvises, thinks quickly on his/her feet.
�     Describe a situation where your enthusiasm persuaded a person(s) to your point of view.

�     Tell me about one of your toughest sales experiences and the steps you took to gain acceptance.

�     Sells ideas despite resistance.
�     Give me an example of a situation when you were unsuccessful in selling your idea to the customer and changed your approach to gain support.

4.19: Planning and Organizing Skills Establishes a course of action for self or others to accomplish a specific goal.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Develops plans to achieve objectives.
�     How do you ensure you meet your objectives?

�     Identifies resources needed to accomplish objectives.

�     Resolves conflicting priorities and accomplishes work on time.

�     Utilizes a to do list, calendar, or some type of planning tool.

�     Maintains a balance and awareness of status of all projects.

�     Anticipates obstacles and ways to overcome them.

�     Develops short-and long-range plans.

�     Give me an example of a project you were given and how you accomplished it.

�     How do you prioritize your daily, weekly, etc. responsibilities?

�     Give me an example of when you had conflicting priorities and how you completed them on time.

�     Tell me about a time when you used your organizing and scheduling skills to create a productive work environment.

�     What kinds of project planning and administration to you enjoy in your current job?

4.20: Presentation Skills Expresses oneself in a clear, concise manner during individual or group situations.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Presents in a confident and enthusiastic manner when addressing people in a large or small group.
�     Describe your presentation style.

�     What steps do you take before making a presentation? How do you prepare?

�     Demonstrates a sound knowledge of the subject matter.

�     Delivers information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.

�     Gains acknowledgment of audience and is able to understand the communication level required.
�     What has been one of your most successful presentations? Why?

�     How often do you present? To whom?

�     Describe a presentation where you had to persuade an audience on an idea, service or change.

�     Effectively uses various audio-visual media to enhance presentations.
�     Tell me about a time when you had to present information outside of the scope of your responsibilities.

�     Tell me about a time when a presentation did not go well and what you did to rescue it.

4.21: Problem Solving Skills - Identifies and defines problems through the gathering of relevant information leading to the development of alternative solutions.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Identifies the existence and cause of a problem
�     Do you use any particular problem-solving techniques? Please explain.

�     Brainstorms potential solutions.

�     Identifies conditions that solutions must meet.

�     Evaluates alternative courses of action.

�     Identifies key people involved in evaluating solutions to the problem.

�     Implements solutions and evaluates results.
�     Describe a problem you solved where you used your investigative skills to get to the heart of the problem.

�     Give me an example of a problem you dealt with that frustrated you.  Explain why, and what you did about it.

�     How much autonomy do you have in the problem-solving process? When does your manager get involved?

�     Describe a problem you identified and explain how you obtained agreement & support from key individuals as you developed solutions.

4.22: Team Building/Team Work--Promotes cooperation within the department and in interactions with other departments. Values differences among team members and can manage work groups with diverse influences.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Promotes open participation and communication within department and throughout the organization.
�     What sets you work group or department apart from others in your organization?

�     Shares pertinent information with all members of the team.

�     Adapts to other people’s behavior style in order to achieve the desired goals of the team.

�     Provides opportunities for subordinates to participate in project teams, task forces, etc., for development purposes.
�     Tell me about a task force or project team that you were a member of and the role you played in that group.

�     Give me an example of a difficult situation with another department that you need to work with regularly and how you resolved it.

�     Promotes a team spirit within and outside department; partners with other groups.

Table 4.23: Time Management- Manages a variety of responsibilities in a timely, efficient manner.

Key Behaviors
Questions to Ask

�     Effectively prepares and uses a daily to do list.
�     What methods or techniques do you use to help manage your time

�     Allocates time to planning, thinking and mapping out tasks.

�     Assigns priorities to tasks.

�     Controls time spent in attending meetings.

�     Controls interruptions.
�     Describe how you manage to maintain balance between accomplishing projects and attending meetings.

�     How do you handle interruptions to ensure that you complete your projects on time?

�     Describe a time when you had several projects to complete and how you prioritized your workload.

�     In your present position what limits your ability to manage your time? How do you work with these limitations?

Annex IV: Format of Session Plans                                                                      

Session  plans should identify the planning  of the session and should include:

Aim/s – the overall purpose or purposes of the session
For example, “To improve learners’ understanding of basic First Aid”

Learning Objectives – should show the steps to be undertaken to achieve the aim.  Objectives should:

·                  Answer the question “By the end of the session learners  will be able to …..”
·                  Specify what learners  will know how to, or be able to.
·                  Use verbs such as List, State, Describe, Calculate, Discriminate, Measure, Identify, Cut, Colour, Set out, Prepare, Make
·                  Avoid phrases such as Understand About, Appreciate, Gain a Thorough Grasp Of, Become Familiar With  - – as these are not specific enough to let you and your learners know when they have achieved the outcome.
·                  There should be a clear link between the session learning objectives and the  learning objectives in the Scheme of Work.

The plan should also show:

Section Timings:  the timing of each section of the session should be shown, indicating  approximately how long in minutes it will last.

Identify tutor activities:  see the Teaching and Learning Activities checklist  –this is not an exhaustive list so please add as appropriate.

Identify learners’ activities:  see the Teaching and Learning Activities checklist  –this is not an exhaustive list so please add as appropriate.

Identify assessment activities:  see Assessment Methods checklist - this is not an exhaustive list so please add as appropriate.

Identify teaching resources and learning aids:  see resources checklist - this is not an exhaustive list so please add as appropriate.  The plan should show for each section, what video / DVD, audio tape / CD, OHPs, CDs for computer use, PowerPoint presentation slides, graphs, charts, pictorial and other graphic material and handouts, will be used.

Skills for Life:  you will also need to identify on your session plan what  Skills for Life (ie Literacy, Numeracy, Language (ESOL), ICT) your learners will be utilising within the session.

Differentiation:  you will need to think how individual learners will participate in each part of the session and plan a range of alternative activities that meet the needs of all your learners .

Evaluation:  the plan allows space for you to reflect on the session and make notes on what went well, what changes you would make next time, what impact the lesson will have on your plans for the next session and what follow up activities are appropriate.

Your session plans should be sufficiently detailed to enable any suitably qualified tutor to understand what key components are to be covered in the section and the methods that would be used.

Examples of Assessment Methods

Question and Answer                                         
Structured written task                                    
Sequencing exercise/ gap filling exercise/ error spotting exercise
Case study
Individual learner review                                          
Group presentation/discussion               
Individual presentation
Peer Assessment
Observation of skills                                                
Other-please specify                                               

Examples of Teaching and Learning Activities

Whole class teaching                                                
Working in pairs / small groups                                                                                   
Role–playing exercise
Practical exercises/ practical demonstrations            
Case studies


Whiteboard/Flip chart                                                
Computer/internet access
Audio tapes
Students themselves
Guest speakers


Session plan example


Session plan (page 1)
Course:    Literacy                                                      Date:                                    Day/Time:                                Session No:
Topic/s:  Double negatives ; correcting common errors ; use of adjectives in descriptive text ; writing persuasive text
Learning objectives:
·         Proof read a document and show awareness of common mistakes
·          recognise a double negative and correct it
·         use interesting and varied adjectives and understand the need for these to add interest in descriptive text
·         identify a persuasive text
·         write a persuasive text
Skills for Life (ie Literacy, Numeracy, Language (ESOL), ICT) required by students during the session:

Tutor activity
Student activity
Assessment methods

Recap on previous week’s outcomes

Write this week’s outcomes on flipchart

Listening/responding to questions


Flip chart

Q and A


Double negatives
Exposition on double negatives. Give examples

Organise into groups ; explain task ; organise feedback to whole class; give out answer sheet to all learners

Listening /asking questions

Discussion in groups and feedback to whole class. Listening to
answers and  commentin
Handout to check and correct errors

 Answer sheet
Group feedback;  to check all learners confident of rules;

Confirm through individual answer sheets

From pair feedback

Proof reading
Explain task;
Help individuals and pairs/ Go through taking answers from pairs
Answer questions
Give out corrected version

Hand out corrected version
Learners work on own ; then compare with partner

Version with errors and
corrected version

And so on …..

Individual needs: 
JB will need large print version of handouts;  AB is likely to finish persuasive text early – prepare extension exercise;   CN – will need help with vocabulary in descriptive text exercise –make sure she has dictionary

Session Evaluation:
Class:                                                                                               Date:
How did it go? How do I know? (learner feedback, colleagues, informal conversations, group atmosphere etc.)

What would I do differently next time?

What do I need to go over again? (and, when?)

What follow-up work do I need to plan?

Any follow-up activity?

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